Human foods may be your dog’s favorite treat or worst enemy. Some of the most basic household foods could make your dog really unwell. Many of these are dangerous! However, other human foods are safe and even good for your dog. In this Blog Post, we are here to give you best information on List of Bad Food for Dogs. This information will help you to understand which food is bad for your dogs thereby protecting your loved pet from Diseases.
Have a look at the List of bad food for dogs

- Alcohol
Pets like cats and dogs are extra sensitive to alcohol. Even a little can make them sick, causing vomiting and trouble breathing.
- Seeder fruits
Dogs can eat apple flesh but avoid core/seeds – cyanide is harmful. Same for apricots, cherries, plums. Cyanide causes illness, seizures, and death.
- Avocado
Avocados might seem healthy, but they are not safe for dogs. It contains persin, causing sickness. Eating them may lead to breathing problems or even death.
- Broccoli
Broccoli has isothiocyanates, which can harm pets if eaten in large amounts due to their toxicity.
- Caffeine and coffee grounds
Caffeine in coffee and other drinks can cause vomiting, seizures, and irregular heartbeat in dogs, even leading to death.
- Chicken and Turkey skin, Ham, and other fatty parts of the meat
Don’t give dogs fatty meat, ham, or turkey skin. They can cause pancreatitis. Also, avoid turkey bones, which can harm them.
- Chocolate
Chocolate is dangerous for pets because it contains theobromine. Even a small amount can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures in dogs.
- Grapes and raisins
Grapes and raisins can make dogs very sick, causing kidney failure. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and changes in urine.
- Macadamia nuts, almonds and Pistachios
Macadamia nuts can make dogs weak, vomit, and overheat. Just six nuts can cause serious harm, and other nuts can choke.
- Milk and dairy products
Some dogs can have milk without problems, but others might get diarrhea. Ice cream is bad due to lactose, sugar, and fat.
- Mushrooms
Avoid giving mushrooms to your dog. They can cause serious problems like kidney failure, vomiting, and hallucinations. Choose safer foods.
- Nutmeg and cinnamon
Avoid giving dogs foods with nutmeg as it can cause hallucinations and severe vomiting. Myristicin in nutmeg is the enemy of dogs. Cinnamon, while not harmful. But it might irritate the mouth and lower blood sugar.
- Salt
Too much salt can make your dog sick with tremors, convulsions, and coma. Don’t give in to their sad face and keep them safe.
- Onion and garlic
Onions and garlic are harmful to dogs, as they contain substances that can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Check food labels carefully.
- Spicy food
Avoid giving your dog spicy food. It can make them vomit, get stomach ulcers, or have diarrhea, causing pain for them and costly vet bills.
- Sugar-free gum or candies
Xylitol, found in sugar-free gum and sweets, can cause low blood sugar, weakness, seizures, and liver failure in dogs. Even a small amount can be deadly for them.
So, keep this food away from dogs to ensure their health and safety. Prevention is key for their well-being. It is vital to protect your loyal and loved ones.
List of Foods Dogs can and cannot eat

Here’s a table listing foods that dogs can eat and foods that dogs should avoid, along with the reasons why:
List of Safe food for Dogs | Reasons |
Lean meats (e.g., chicken, turkey) | Excellent source of protein |
Fish (e.g., salmon, tuna) | Rich in omega-3 fatty acids |
Cooked eggs | Good source of protein and essential nutrients |
Plain yogurt | Contains probiotics for gut health |
Peanut butter (no xylitol) | High in healthy fats and protein |
Carrots | Low in calories, high in fiber and vitamins |
Apples | Provide vitamins and fiber |
Pumpkin | High in fiber, aids in digestion |
Blueberries | Rich in antioxidants and vitamins |
Sweet potatoes | Good source of fiber and vitamins |
Foods Dogs Should Avoid | Reasons |
Chocolate | Contains theobromine, toxic to dogs |
Grapes and raisins | Can cause kidney failure |
Onions and garlic | Contains compounds that can damage red blood cells |
Avocado | Contains persin, can cause vomiting and diarrhea |
Xylitol (sugar-free products) | Can cause hypoglycemia and liver failure |
Alcohol | Toxic to dogs, can cause intoxication and organ damage |
Caffeine (coffee, tea) | Stimulant that can cause restlessness and tremors |
Macadamia nuts | Can cause weakness, tremors, and hyperthermia |
Raw yeast dough | Can expand in the stomach and cause gas and bloating |
Bones (cooked) | Can splinter and cause choking or internal injuries |
It’s important to note that while some foods are safe for dogs in moderation, others can be harmful or even toxic. Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing new foods to your dog’s diet.
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