Best Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Senior Dogs: An Informative Guide

As dogs get older, their needs change, just like humans. Our senior dogs have been loyal family members for many years, and it is now our turn to give back to them. Their bodies are slower and less active than in youth, so they require special attention to stay healthy. 

A balanced diet made specifically for senior dogs goes a long way in keeping them healthy. However, pet store food may contain additives or fillers that upset older digestive systems. Homemade dog food recipes for senior dogs allow full control over ingredients to suit each dog individually. In this article, we explore Homemade Dog Food for Senior dogs that support the wellness of aging Dogs.

Why Homemade Food for Senior Dogs?

Senior dogs have slowed metabolisms and lower activity levels than when younger. Their digestive systems are weaker, requiring gentle food yet providing complete nutrition. Store-bought food may have preservatives or fillers upsetting their stomachs. Home made dog food recipes for senior dogs allows using easily digestible components catering to a senior’s needs. Dogs love the aroma and taste of natural ingredients cooked with love at home. Knowing exactly what’s in their meals gives owners peace of mind for their beloved companions.

Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Senior Dogs

Below, we will talk about why senior dogs need special food and give recipes for homemade meals you can make with love for your aging furry friend:

Brown Rice, Turkey, and Veggies

Brown rice is an excellent home made dog food for senior pug as it is easy to digest and provides healthy carbohydrates. Turkey is a lean, hypoallergenic protein that provides minerals and other nutrients without being too rich or greasy. Chopped vegetables like carrots and green beans add vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. A diet with these wholesome ingredients in balanced proportions nourishes aging bodies while being gentle on sensitive tummies. 

Homemade Dog Food Recipe for Sensitive Senior Dog Tummies

Many older dogs experience gastrointestinal issues like gas, diarrhea, or constipation. A bland, simple homemade recipe can relieve such troubles. Boil hickory-smoked ham hocks until tender. Remove bones and shred meat. Soften rice in the broth. Mix with plain, non-fat yogurt for probiotics. The light, easy-to-digest meal soothes and calms sensitive tummies. 

Chicken Casserole for Dogs

Baked casserole-style meals are comforting, warm, and wonderful to smell. Shred poached boneless skinless chicken and stir into a rice-veggie mixture. Top with a beaten egg, then bake until lightly browned. Chopped zucchini, sweet potato, and carrot provide balanced nutrients. The wholesome ingredients and baking process make this recipe easy for aging jaws and digestion, too. Local shelters find casseroles a hit with their older rescues.

Peanut Butter and Banana Dog Biscuits

An occasional sweet treat promotes happiness. Mash very ripe bananas into creamy peanut or almond butter. Knead in whole-wheat flour until dough forms. Roll and shape with treat cutters. Bake until dry but not hard. Bananas add potassium, while natural nut kinds of butter supply protein, healthy fats, and calories. Dogs everywhere wag their tails for these! 

Grain-Free Recipe for Senior Dogs

Some aging dogs do better without grains. Simmer ground meat (turkey, bison, or chicken) with bone-in cuts like neck bones in water. Once meat is falling off bones, remove solids and chill stock. Skim fat. Soften diced root vegetables like sweet potato in the stock. Add pureed pumpkin or beans for fiber and serve. The warm, savory meal provides protein, easy calories, and minerals in a form senior tummies tolerate well. Local shelters and rescues serve this weekly.

Homemade Raw Dog Food

Feeding raw food can benefit seniors due to high digestibility and nutrient availability. Grind or chop raw meaty bones, organ meats, and muscle meats. For balance, add pureed vegetables or fruits. Provide as-is or mold into logs or patties. The unprocessed ingredients optimize nutrition for dogs that are losing the ability to extract maximum benefit from kibble. 

Bacon Cornmeal Dog Biscuits

Avoid hard, crunchy treats that can crack aging teeth. Combine cornmeal, wheat flour and minced bacon for a soft treat. Add yogurt, beat an egg, and knead the dough. Roll into balls and flatten on a cookie sheet before baking until dry on the outside but still slightly soft inside. The wholesome ingredients and texture support dental and bone health in senior dogs.

Diet Requirements for Senior Dogs

Senior dogs require fewer calories, but balanced nutrition becomes more vital. Protein provides building blocks for muscles, organs, and immune cells. Essential fats support brain and coat health. Fiber promotes regular bowel movements and may prevent chronic conditions. Calcium and vitamin D prevent thin bones, while antioxidants like vitamins E and C protect against cellular damage. Homemade meals tailored to your dog’s needs deliver these nutrients naturally.

Calorie Considerations for Senior Dogs

Most senior dogs need 20-30% fewer daily calories to prevent obesity, which adds strain. Maintaining an ideal weight becomes especially important. Reduce meal amounts gradually to prevent your pup from feeling deprived. Monitor hip bones, ribs, and waist – hips should not feel sharply prominent, but ribs are only barely palpable under a thin coat. Play encouraging games, cuddle sessions, and scent exploration around the home or park, and burn extra calories if needed. Weight management keeps senior dogs mobile and energized.

Protein Considerations for Senior Dogs

Protein supports muscle and organ maintenance, which becomes key to mobility and health as dogs age. Provide at least 10-15% of calories from protein, ideally from a variety of whole food sources. Bone-in meat adds nutrients and ensures adequate protein intake. Eggs, fish, cottage cheese, and plain yogurt also nourish aging bodies. 

Avoid very fatty cuts or rich gravies that can overwhelm the liver or pancreas. Proper protein prevents frailty, supports the immune system, and delays muscle loss due to its tissue repair properties.


Senior dogs have earned our extra love and care as they age, just as our grandparents do. By making homemade meals using easy-to-digest proteins, whole grains, and vegetables, we can support their health and happiness. Even small changes like adding salmon or treating it gently with wholesome fruits and yogurt can make a difference. With the right nutrition through homemade cooking, our precious furry companions can enjoy their senior years feeling their best.


Q1. Is homemade food good for senior dogs?
A. Yes, it can be easier to chew and digest than kibble and often contains more nutrients for aging bodies.

Q2. What proteins are best for senior dogs?
A. Lean meat like chicken, fish, and turkey provides high-quality protein while being gentle on older digestive systems.

Q3. Are carbohydrates good for senior dogs?
A. Small amounts of plain white rice or pasta plus extra vegetables supply carbs without overtaxing senior pancreases.

Q4. Is it preferable to add supplements?
A. Consult your vet, but many seniors need glucosamine, fish oil, and a multivitamin to support mobility and skin/coat health.

Q5. How does someone prepare home dog food for senior dogs?
A. Chop ingredients small, mix them together, store individual servings in bags or containers, and adjust the recipe as needs change over time.

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